About Us
Tubie Friends a non-profit group that is administered by volunteers who have family members with feeding tubes and want to use their experiences to make life easier for the thousands of children relying on feeding tubes for their nutrition. Tubie Friend Surgeons (TFS) are volunteers who care for or love tube feeders and donate their time and resources. Many of us are still in the trenches with you, which means that sometimes our kids have surgeries, procedures, tests, or hospital stays that takes our time away from Tubie Friends applications and processing. None of the Tubie Friends board members or volunteers are paid. We are strictly a volunteer organization.
Our hope is that no family will go through this without the support of others who know what it is like and without the love of a Tubie Friend.
Our children’s Tubie Friends have been a teaching tool for family, friends, school nurses and caregivers as well as something that has provided comfort for our children. When our sons met for the first time, they instantly bonded and told “war” stories about all the medical interventions they have undergone. It was an amazing thing to see our boys brag about their feeding tubes rather than feel isolated. Unfortunately we live in different states, but when they are apart each has their own Tubie Friend to provide comfort and friendship.
Tubie Friends Sponsors
Avanos Medical, Inc. – MIC-KEY and Corflo Enteral Feeding Tubes
CORFLO® YELLOW Feeding Tubes provided by Avanos Medical, Inc.
Bard Products for their ports and central line supplies.
Neotech Products http://www.neotechproducts.com/
My Tubey: http://mytubeybooks.com/

Caleb & Brayden
We cannot do this alone! We are blessed to have amazing volunteers and sponsors.

Our logo was lovingly created and donated by Mishara Armenia who was inspired by Nikki, mother to Kiley, her tubie hero. The logo and name have been trademarked and cannot be used without written permission from Tubie Friends.